Project 365
Okay, so a new year is all about resolutions, right. Well, I've been a pretty back "blogger" lately, so it's obvious that I need to resolve to improve this, or just close it down. I'd like to try to improve first. So I'm doing the Project 365, an idea inspired by Creating Keepsakes designer and scrapbooker, Becky Higgins. The idea is to take a photo every day, journal a few lines about it, and preserve it in a scrapbook. I have decided to take this challenge, and have been taking photos daily since Dec 28th, starting then because it is the start of a week (Sunday). Expanding on that idea, I've seen where many have also decided to blog their daily photos. So I am going to attempt to do that as well, or something close to that. I know that I won't be able to post a blog every day, but even if I can post every couple of days, I'll be doing much better than before. So I will play catch up on this day, and go forward from here. If anyone is reading this, I hope you enjoy this little journey.
Above is the Dec 28th photo. We had a beautiful tree this year, but every time we touched it, the pine needles just tumbled off. It wasn't dry because we continued to water it. So I was more than ready to get it out of the house when Christmas was over.
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